تلاش کریں

Evc01-202003B - Rfsa Medium And Large Vessel Recycling Services

پروپوزل کی گذارش

عام معلومات

   فروری 22, 2025
مارچ 31, 2029
Department of Public Works and Government Services (PSPC)
   اشاعت شدہ: فروری 22, 2025

پتے کی معلومات

   Walker, Kimberly (SPAC/PSPC) (elle-la / she-her)
Department of Public Works and Government Services (PSPC)
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du Portage Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5 Canada
   یہاں کلک کریں

سامان ، کام اور خدمات

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notice_summary_english: This RFSA cancels and supersedes the previous RFSA number EVC01-202003/A. Suppliers that provided an arrangement for EVC01-202003/A are not required to submit a new arrangement. Suppliers that submitted an arrangement for EVC01-202003/A only need to provide any new information requested in EVC01-202003/B
The Government of Canada through this RFSA, intends to establish and maintain SAs with suppliers to provide medium and large Vessel recycling services of any Vessel, requiring dismantlement in a Vessel Recycling Facility, for one or more regions/sub-regions of Canada in accordance with the Statement of Requirement – Annex A.
The RFSA includes two streams:
Stream A – Medium size Vessels with lightship displacement of 300 MT or less; and
Stream B – Large size Vessels with lightship displacement of over 300 MT.
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Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Trade agreements
Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)
local_title: EVC01-202003B - RFSA Medium and Large Vessel Recycling Services
notice_contract_type: Service
local_description: This RFSA cancels and supersedes the previous RFSA number EVC01-202003/A. Suppliers that provided an arrangement for EVC01-202003/A are not required to submit a new arrangement. Suppliers that submitted an arrangement for EVC01-202003/A only need to provide any new information requested in EVC01-202003/B
The Government of Canada through this RFSA, intends to establish and maintain SAs with suppliers to provide medium and large Vessel recycling services of any Vessel, requiring dismantlement in a Vessel Recycling Facility, for one or more regions/sub-regions of Canada in accordance with the Statement of Requirement – Annex A.
The RFSA includes two streams:
Stream A – Medium size Vessels with lightship displacement of 300 MT or less; and
Stream B – Large size Vessels with lightship displacement of over 300 MT.
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Contract duration
Refer to the descrip

اصل الفاظ

More information: یہاں کلک کریں
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ہم اس بات کی حت المکان کوشش کرتے ہیں کہ ہماری ویب سائٹ پر سب سے صحیح اور تازہ معلومات فراہم کریں، لیکن ہم اس بات کی ضمانت نہیں دے سکتے کی تمام معلومات غلطی سے پاک ہیں۔
اگر اس نوٹس کے لیئے نئی/تصحیح کے بارے میں آپ کی کوئی رائے ہوں، برائے مہربانی ہمیں ضرور بتائیں۔