تلاش کریں

Request For Information (Rfi) No. 1000261994 For A New Treaty Annuity…

پروپوزل کی گذارش

عام معلومات

   جنوری 21, 2025
فروری 28, 2025
Indigenous Services Canada
   اشاعت شدہ: جنوری 21, 2025

پتے کی معلومات

   Sumanvir Sahota-Chhokar
Indigenous Services Canada
10 Wellington St. Gatineau, Quebec , K1A 0H4 Canada
   (204) 914-6481
   یہاں کلک کریں

سامان ، کام اور خدمات

بولی کے دستاویزات اور لوازمات

  • (جنوری 21, 2025)
  • (جنوری 21, 2025)
     دستاویزات ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں



notice_summary_english: Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) is in the very early stages of conceptualizing a new Treaty Annuity Payment system. ISC’s scope in this effort is to add a cash-free payment solution such as Pre-paid Cards and Digital Payment Transfers to the exiting cash disbursement process.
The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to seek information, explore service options and obtain input from the industry on their ability to provide solutions of Pre-paid (reloadable) Cards and Digital Payment Transfers.
This is not a bid solicitation. This RFI will not result in the award of any contract; therefore, potential suppliers of any goods or services described in this document should not earmark stock or facilities, nor allocate resources, as a result of any information contained herein. Nor will this RFI result in the creation of any source list; therefore, a potential supplier’s lack of response to this request will not preclude that supplier from participating in any future procurement activity related to this initiative. The procurement of goods or services described in this document will not necessarily follow this RFI. This RFI is simply intended to solicit feedback from potential vendors with respect to the matters described in this document. Nothing in this RFI shall be construed as a commitment from Canada. Responses received during this RFI process may be used by ISC to determine what should be included in a potential procurement that will meet internal stakeholder requirements and be consistent with industry practices.
notice_contract_type: Service
local_description: Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) is in the very early stages of conceptualizing a new Treaty Annuity Payment system. ISC’s scope in this effort is to add a cash-free payment solution such as Pre-paid Cards and Digital Payment Transfers to the exiting cash disbursement process.
The purpose

اصل الفاظ

More information: یہاں کلک کریں
برائے مہربانی اس بات کو نوٹ کیجیئے کی یہ نوٹس آپ کی معلومات کے لیئے ہے
ہم اس بات کی حت المکان کوشش کرتے ہیں کہ ہماری ویب سائٹ پر سب سے صحیح اور تازہ معلومات فراہم کریں، لیکن ہم اس بات کی ضمانت نہیں دے سکتے کی تمام معلومات غلطی سے پاک ہیں۔
اگر اس نوٹس کے لیئے نئی/تصحیح کے بارے میں آپ کی کوئی رائے ہوں، برائے مہربانی ہمیں ضرور بتائیں۔