تلاش کریں

Facility Management Services - LumpSum Based - Healthcare; Supply and Maintenance of Traction Machine Lumber with Bed; Consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost) , Facility Management Services - LumpSum Based - Healthcare; Supply and Maintenance of Traction Machine Cervical; Consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost) , Facility Management Services - LumpSum Based - Healthcare; Supply and Maintenance of Shortwave Diathermy; Consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost) , Facility Management Services - LumpSum Based - Healthcare; Supply and Maintenance of IFT; Consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost) , Facility Management Services - LumpSum Based - Healthcare; Supply and Maintenance of TENS Machine; Consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost) , Facility Management Services - LumpSum Based - Healthcare; Supply and Maintenance of UltraSound Machine for Physiotherapy; Consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost) , Facility Management Services - LumpSum Based - Healthcare; Supply and Maintenance of High Intensity Laser Machine; Consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost) , Facility Management Services - LumpSum Based - Healthcare; Supply and Maintenance of Continuous Passive Motion Machine; Consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost) , Facility Management Services - LumpSum Based - Healthcare; Supply and Maintenance of Hydrocollator Pack Hot Pack Unit; Consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost) , Facility Management Services - LumpSum Based - Healthcare; Supply and Maintenance of Parallel Bars

پروپوزل کی گذارش

عام معلومات

   فروری 22, 2025
   اشاعت شدہ: فروری 22, 2025

اصل الفاظ

BID NO: GEM/2025/B/5977230
  View Corrigendum/RepresentationItems: Facility Management Services...
رکنیت کے طریقے






قیمت درخواست پر

خریدنا خریدنا ہمیں رابطہ کریں
برائے مہربانی اس بات کو نوٹ کیجیئے کی یہ نوٹس آپ کی معلومات کے لیئے ہے
ہم اس بات کی حت المکان کوشش کرتے ہیں کہ ہماری ویب سائٹ پر سب سے صحیح اور تازہ معلومات فراہم کریں، لیکن ہم اس بات کی ضمانت نہیں دے سکتے کی تمام معلومات غلطی سے پاک ہیں۔
اگر اس نوٹس کے لیئے نئی/تصحیح کے بارے میں آپ کی کوئی رائے ہوں، برائے مہربانی ہمیں ضرور بتائیں۔